martes, 25 de octubre de 2016

Juego parecido a Max payne y Matriz para PC The specilaist mod half life

Juego parecido a Max payne y Matriz para PC The specilaist mod half life

The Specialists was created by Filippo "Morfeo" De Luca & Lorenzo "John_Matrix" Pasini.[1] Originally made to be a team-play game (much like Counter-Strike, but with added action movie realism), The Specialists soon evolved into a death-match game with action movie realism. The Specialists 1.0 was first publicly released on October

The Specialists is intended to resemble a generic action movie and is often compared to the film Face/Off, though several of the default player models, maps, and some of the game-play elements appear to be references to The Matrix.[original research?] It contains over 29 weapons, many power-ups, and 5 official game-types. Weapons and attacks have a very high lethality similar to most other "realism" games, while accuracy is unaffected by movement and even dramatic stunts, leading to a frenetic pace of gameplay.

One of the features that The Specialists is known for is Bullet Time; the ability to manipulate time to pass in slow motion. Bullet Time has been implemented in other titles such as Max Payne, but is typically found only in single-player titles, whereas The Specialists is mainly a multi-player modification. The game also makes heavy use of stunts including dives, kicking off walls, somersaults, and sliding across the floor, even rewarding players with scoring bonuses for killing while performing stunt combinations. It also features an extensive unarmed kung-fu system for melee attacks, incorporating a wide range of punches and kicks, along with the ability to disarm an opponent by knocking the weapon out of their hands.

The various stunts that can be performed can be controlled based on the direction that the player is looking in while trigger the appropriate controls. The weight of the player's weapon and equipment load is a very important part of The Specialists, as it determines a large part of the player's mobility; carrying vast amounts of heavy firepower will limit the type of stunts able to be performed and the speed at which the player can move, whereas players armed with only a few pistols and knives will be able to move very quickly and perform more acrobatic stunts. The Specialists contains a variety of power-ups which can be separated into two categories: Passive and active power-ups. Passive power-ups do not require activation; they last until the character is killed and their effect is maintained for the entire time. Active power-ups must be activated to have an effect, lasting several seconds, and are then consumed. The player may only carry one active power-up at a time. All can be found on the map as power-up pickups, but many of these are awarded after reaching a certain kill-streak or point-streak in a single life.

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viernes, 21 de octubre de 2016

Descarga Half life por mega

Descarga Half life por mega 

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Half-Life (estilizado HλLF-LIFE) es un videojuego del género ciencia ficción y disparos en primera persona desarrollado por Valve Corporation, siendo este el juego debut de la compañía y el primero de lo que posteriormente pasaría a ser la serie Half-Life. El título, distribuido por Sierra Studios, fue lanzado el 19 de noviembre de 1998, además, una versión para PlayStation 2 se publicó el 14 de noviembre de 2002. La trama de Half-Life tiene lugar en una época relativamente actual, pero desconocida.

El juego se basa en un grave accidente que ocurre en Black Mesa Research Facility, Nuevo México, un centro de investigación avanzada del gobierno de los Estados Unidos (Basado en el Área 51). El protagonista es un científico de 27 años llamado Gordon Freeman, especializado en física teórica por el Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) quien debe realizar un experimento con una muestra de gran pureza de un mineral desconocido extraterrestre, en el espectrómetro de antimasa del Sector C (Materiales Anómalos) de los laboratorios de Black Mesa. Durante el experimento ocurre una secuencia de resonancias, que abre una ventana de teletransporte para una serie de alienígenas. Muchos rayos se salen de control, uno de ellos golpea a Gordon y lo deja inconsciente. Cuando Gordon despierta y ve que el sector C está destruido, se recompone y mientras va avanzando ve que todo Black Mesa se ha visto afectada. El portal atrajo a muchos extraterrestres de los que la mayor parte son hostiles y agresivos. Las criaturas son parte de un ejército y actúan de manera salvaje y sin mostrar signos de inteligencia superior. Tampoco intentan comunicarse de ninguna manera, simplemente atacan a todos los seres humanos, ocasionando numerosas bajas en el complejo y disminuyendo las oportunidades de los supervivientes para huir.

Hasta tal punto llega el nivel de desastre que se forma una Unidad de Combate en Entornos Peligrosos conocida como H.E.C.U. (Hazardous Environment Combat Unit en inglés), constituida para acceder a las instalaciones y eliminar a todo individuo que se encuentre en el lugar para evitar que pueda testificar sobre el suceso.

Gordon tendrá que luchar para sobrevivir ante el desastre y unirse con otros sobrevivientes para combatir tanto alienígenas como a soldados de la H.E.C.U. y salir a la superficie.


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Link del juego